
天堂影视 内地电影 2025-02-06 17:10 10

摘要:🎬The 2019 film, the 2020 film Jiang Ziya, and the recently released Ne Zha 2 are all loosely based on the 16th century novel The

据网络平台数据,截至2月6日12时13分, 《哪吒之魔童闹海》(Ne Zha 2)票房超过《长津湖》57.75亿元,成为中国影史票房榜新的票房冠军。


本期我们一起来看看外媒如何报道 《哪吒2》火爆的票房成绩:

🎬Ne Zha 2 has become a juggernautat the Chinese box officeand could e nd up being one of the biggest blockbustersof all time.


🎬The 2019 film, the 2020 film Jiang Ziya, and the recently released Ne Zha 2 are all loosely based on the 16th century novel The Investiture of the Gods, which is set in Ancient China and includes many gods and demons.


🎬Ne Zha 2 had an incredible opening at the Chinese box office over the Lunar New Year holiday, and could potentially become one of the highest-grossinganimated movies of all time. Ne Zha 2's massivebox office haulcould set many records that other movies will have a hard time beating for years to come.


🎬After dominating the box officein China, Ne Zha 2 is currently set to release in countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand on February 14, 2025.

在中国票房大获成功之后,《哪吒2》目前定于 2025 年 2 月 14 日在包括美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰在内的多个国家上映。


become a juggernaut at the box office

box office,这个词表示票房,来源于传统戏剧和电影放映的售票窗口。在早期的剧院和电影院,观众买票的地方通常被称为“box office”(字面意思是“票务窗口”),这个窗口里通常有一个箱子(box)来收集售出的票款。因此“box office”最初指售票的地方,后来逐渐引申为电影的票房收入,是衡量电影商业成功的关键指标。

juggernaut,/ ˈdʒʌɡənɔːt /,本义是“重型卡车”,可以用来形容某人或某事非常强大,势不可挡。become a juggernaut at the box office指的是“在票房市场取得了巨大的成功,势头非常强劲,任何其他电影都难以匹敌”,可以翻译成为“票房巨头”、“票房收割机”。

👉例句:The action-packed sequel quickly became a juggernaut at the box office, surpassing all expectations and breaking records within its first week of release.这部充满动作场面的续集很快就在票房上势如破竹,首映周便远超预期,打破了多项纪录。



👉例句:Our new film will be a real blockbuster.



意思是“票房最高的”,它通常用来形容电影、电视节目、专辑等在票房或销售额方面取得了最高的成绩。票房冠军电影,可以说:top-grossing movie。

👉例句:Four out of the 10 highest-grossing movies this year were animated movies.


box office haul

haul,/ hɔːl /,原意为“拖、拉”,引申为“大量获得物”,常指通过努力或意外获得的成果(如收入、赃物、捕获量等)。“box office haul”即指电影通过票房斩获的大额收入,带有强调“数额可观”或“超出预期”的意味。


dominating the box office


