台词剧本1-48 Grandpa Pig's Boat 猪爷爷的船

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摘要:Narrator:Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are taking Peppa and George out for a day on the river. 今天猪爷爷要带佩奇和乔治外出,去河上玩一玩。

[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第48话

48. Grandpa Pig's Boat 猪爷爷的船

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。

Grandpa Pig's Boat 猪爷爷的船

Welcome aboard, me hearties!

When Peppa and George are on Grandpa Pig's boat, they must wear life-jackets.

Narrator: Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are taking Peppa and George out for a day on the river. 今天猪爷爷要带佩奇和乔治外出,去河上玩一玩。

Grandpa Pig: Welcome aboard, me hearties! 欢迎上船,我的小宝贝们。

Granny Pig: Peppa, George, Let's put your life-jackets on. 佩奇,乔治,你们先穿上救生衣吧。

Narrator: When Peppa and George are on Grandpa Pig's boat, they must wear life-jackets. 佩奇和乔治要上船玩,必须得穿上救生衣。

Grandpa Pig: On this boat, I'm the captain. 在这艘船上,我就是船长。

Granny Pig: Aye-aye, Captain! 没错没错,船长。

Peppa: Aye-aye, Captain! 没错没错,船长。

Grandpa Pig: When Captain Grandpa tells you all to do something, you must do it. 如果船长爷爷让你们做什么事情的话,你们都得照做。

Granny Pig: Unless it's something silly. 除非让我们做什么不太明智的事。

Grandpa Pig: Captain Grandpa never says anything silly. 船长爷爷从来不做不明智的事情。

Granny Pig: Of course not, Captain Grandpa. 当然不会了船长爷爷。

Grandpa Pig: George,raise the flag! 乔治,把旗子升起来。

Peppa,ring the bell! 佩奇,敲响铃铛。

Peppa: Aye-aye, Captain! 是的,船长。

Grandpa Pig: Granny Pig,Take the wheel! 猪奶奶,你来掌舵。

Granny Pig: Aye-aye, Captain! 是的,船长。

Grandpa Pig: Full sail! 全速前进。

Peppa: Full sail! 全速前进。

Granny Pig: Maybe you should go a little slower, Grandpa Pig. 我们要不要开慢一点啊,猪爷爷。

Grandpa Pig: Good idea, Granny Pig. I don't want to use upall my petrol. 这是个不错的主意,猪奶奶。我不想一下子把油都用完了。

Peppa: Grandpa, I liked it when we went fast. 猪爷爷,我更喜欢开得很快的感觉。

Grandpa Pig: Don't worry, Peppa, we'll go fast later! 别担心佩奇,我们一会儿会开快点的。

Peppa: Look,there's another boat! 瞧啊,那儿还有艘船。

Narrator: Here's Granddad Dog. 原来是狗爷爷。

He's taking Danny Dog out for a day on the river. 他今天也带丹尼出来玩了。

Grandpa Pig: Ahoy there, Granddad Dog! 哦吼,你好啊,狗爷爷。

Granddad Dog: Ahoy there, Grandpa Pig! 哦吼,你好啊,猪爷爷。

Peppa: Hello, Danny!! 你好啊,丹尼。

Danny: Hello, Peppa! 你好啊,佩奇。

Narrator: Granddad Dog is Grandpa Pig's very best friend. 狗爷爷是猪爷爷最好的朋友。

Grandpa Pig: I'm surprised your boat is still afloat, Granddad Dog. It must be almost as old as you are! 真是难以置信你的船还能浮起来,狗爷爷。你的船都和你一样年纪了。[afloat[əˈfloʊt] adj. (在水上)漂浮;]

Granddad Dog: This old boat can go faster than your rusty bucket any day, Grandpa Pig. 要知道我这艘老船能轻而易举地超过你那艘锈桶的速度,猪爷爷。[rusty[ˈrʌsti] adj.生锈的;]

Grandpa Pig: Alright, you old sea-dog, race you! 好吧,我就来和你这海狗比一场吧。

Granddad Dog: Prepare to lose, water-hog! 准备好输吧,你这水猪。

Granny Pig: You two are acting like little children! 你们两个怎么表现得就像孩子一样。

Grandpa Pig: Granddad Dog called me a water-hog. 狗爷爷他刚才居然叫我水猪呢。

Peppa: You called him a sea-dog first, Grandpa. You should say “sorry”. 爷爷,明明是你先叫他海狗的。你应该说跟他说对不起。

Grandpa Pig: Only if he says “sorry” first. 必须他先说对不起我再说。

Danny: Granddad, say “sorry” to Grandpa Pig. He is your best friend. 我说爷爷,你就跟猪爷爷说对不起吧。他是你最好的朋友。

Granddad Dog: No. He's a water-hog and my boat is faster than his. 不要,他就是水猪,而且我的船也快过他的船。

Grandpa Pig: Alright, sea-dog! Let's race to the next bridge! 那好吧,海狗。我们就来比赛,看谁先到下一座桥。

Granddad Dog: On the count of three. 数到三就开始。

Grandpa Pig: One... Two... 一...二...

Granddad Dog: GO!!! 开始!

Grandpa Pig: You started too soon! 你怎么提前开始了。

Granddad Dog: Catch me if you can, water-hog! 有本事的话你就追上我啊,水猪。

Granddad Dog: Sea-dog! 海狗。

Grandpa Pig: Is that as fast as you can go? 这应该是你最快的速度了吧?

Can't catch me! 追不住我了吧。

I win! 我赢啦。

Narrator: Oh, dear. Grandpa Pig's boat has run out of petrol. 糟糕,猪爷爷的船没有油了。

Granny Pig: Very clever, Captain Grandpa. 你真聪明啊,船长爷爷。

Grandpa Pig: Maybe I did go a bit too fast. 可能我真的开得太快了吧。

Granny Pig: How will we get home? 我们该怎么回家呢?

Peppa: Look, there's Granddad Dog 瞧啊,狗爷爷过来了。

Granny Pig: Granddad Dog can tow us home! 狗爷爷他可以拖我们回家。

Grandpa Pig: I'm not being towed by that sea-dog. 我可不要海狗来帮忙拖我的船。

Granddad Dog: I haven't offered to tow the water-hog. 我也没有打算要拖水猪回家呢。

Granny Pig: Will you two evergrow up? 你们两个还没有长大吗?

Peppa: Grandpa, say “sorry” to Granddad Dog. 爷爷,快点和狗爷爷说对不起吧。

Grandpa Pig: I'm sorry I called you a sea-dog. 我不应该叫你海狗,对不起了。

Danny: Granddad, say “sorry” to Grandpa Pig. 爷爷,快和猪爷爷说对不起吧。

Granddad Dog: I'm sorry I called you a water-hog. 我不应该叫你水猪,对不起了。

Granny Pig: That's nice. 真是太好了。

Granddad Dog, would you be so kind as to tow us home? 狗爷爷,不知你是否能忙拖我们回家呢?

Granddad Dog: It would be my pleasure, madam! 拖你们回家是我的荣幸,夫人。

Catch this, Captain! 抓住这条绳子。

Grandpa Pig: Aye-Aye, Skipper! 哦,好的船长。

Narrator: Granddad Dog is Grandpa Pig's very best friend! Woof woof! 狗爷爷是猪爷爷最好的朋友。

Granddad Dog is towing Grandpa Pig's boat home. 狗爷爷把猪爷爷的船拖回家了。

Grandpa Pig: The main thing is I won the race. 你要记住的一点是我赢了这场比赛。

Granny Pig: Grandpa Pig! 猪爷爷。

Peppa: Naughty Grandpa Pig! 调皮的猪爷爷。

Grandpa Pig: Peppa,Ring the bell! 佩奇,敲响铃铛吧。

Peppa: Aye-Aye, Captain Grandpa! 是的船长爷爷。

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第48集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal

Here's Granddad Dog. He's taking Danny Dog out for a day on the river.

Hello, Danny!! Hello, Peppa!

Granddad Dog called me a water-hog.

You called him a sea-dog first, Grandpa. You should say “sorry”.


1. Raise the flag

佩奇和乔治在猪爷爷的船上玩。猪爷爷高兴的对乔治说Raise the flag! 升旗!

Raise这个词的意思非常多,比如养孩子,筹款,解禁等等都是用这个词。在这里raise是作为举起来,提起来的意思。Raise the flag 升旗。Lower the flag 降旗。

还有举手,也可以用raise your hands。

2.Use up=run out of

猪爷爷把船速降了下来,他说I don’t want to use up all my petrol. 我可不想把油给用光了。

Use up用光了,消耗完了。


You’ve used up all the facial tissues.你把餐巾纸给用光了。

跟use up一个意思的还有run out of. 所以后面旁白说了一句Grandpa Pig’s boat has run out of petrol.

3.Race you

猪爷爷和狗爷爷比赛谁的船开得最快,猪爷爷说Race you! 看谁最快。

后来猪爷爷又说了一句Let’s race to the next bridge. 看谁先到下一座桥那儿去。

Race you! 和Race you to somewhere! 可是孩子玩的时候最喜欢说的话了,那不妨作为亲子英语在家里跟孩子一起说吧。

4.On the count of three.

狗爷爷说比就比,然后说On the count of three. 数到三。

On the count of … 数到几,我们已经是第二次见了。


猪爷爷的船没油了,猪奶奶说Granddad Dog can tow us home! 狗爷爷可以把我们拖回家。


拖车的英文就是tow truck. 如果家里有个小车迷,那这就是必知必会的单词啦。

Granddad, say “sorry” to Grandpa Pig. He is your best friend.

Alright, sea-dog!

Let's race to the next bridge!

Catch me if you can, water-hog!


1、Welcome aboard 欢迎乘坐,欢迎搭乘(登机),欢迎加入

例:"Welcome aboard!" said the driver. 司机说:“欢迎搭乘”!

A: I’m willing to try. 我愿意尽力而为。

B:Okey, welcome aboard. 好的,欢迎加入。

Welcome aboard, would you like a newspaper? 欢迎乘坐本次航班,要来份报纸吗?

2、me hearties

是一种方言,用me代替my,通常海盗会这么讲。猪爷爷在学海盗“Welcome aboard, me hearties. 欢迎上船,我的小宝贝们。”

3、life-jackets 救生衣

例:Peppa, George, Let's put your life-jackets on. 佩奇,乔治,你们先穿上救生衣吧。

4、captain[ˈkæptɪn] n. 船长; 机长; (海军)上校; (陆军或美国空军的)上尉; 首领; 领导者; (尤指运动队的)队长; (美国警察局的)副巡长;

例:You must obey the captain's commands. 你必须服从船长的命令。

On this boat, I'm the captain. 在这艘船上,我是船长。

skipper[ˈskɪpər] n.(小船或渔船的)船长; (运动队的)队长;

例:the skipper of an English fishing boat... 一艘英国渔船的船长

The England skipper is confident. 英格兰队的队长信心十足。

5、wheel[wiːl] n.(汽车等的)方向盘; (轮船的)舵轮; 车轮; 轮子;

例:The wheel is pulling to the left. 方向盘正在向左打。

6、take the wheel 开车 驾驶

例:Granny Pig, take the wheel! 猪奶奶,你来掌舵。

Do you want to take the wheel now? 你现在想开车吗?

7、full sail 全速前进

8、petrol [ˈpetrəl] n. 汽油

例:There's no petrol, so it's very difficult to transport goods. 没有汽油,因此很难运输货物。

9、afloat[əˈfloʊt] adj. (在水上)漂浮; 有偿债能力; 能维持下去;

例:Which do you prefer: life on land or life afloat? 你喜欢那一种生活:陆上生活还是海上飘浮生活?

We'll keep it afloat until we get picked up. 我们会让它浮着,直到我们获救。

10、almost[ˈɔːlməʊst] adv.几乎,差不多

例:Dinner's almost ready. 饭就要做好了。

Almost no one believed him.几乎没人相信他的话。

11、rusty[ˈrʌsti] adj.生锈的; 铁锈色的,赭色的;

例:a rusty old car生了锈的旧汽车;rusty metal生锈的金属

12、tow[təʊ] v. 拖,拉,牵引(车辆或船只); (用绳索)拉,牵引; 牵引,拖带; 拖行,

例:Granddad Dog can tow us home! 狗爷爷他可以拖我们回家。

13、aye-aye, captain遵命,船长

例:猪爷爷说:When Captain Grandpa tells you all to do something, you must do it. 当船长爷爷要求你们做事的时候,你们必须照做。

George, raise the flag.

Peppa, ring the bell.

Granny Pig, take the wheel.

他们都回答了: Aye-aye, Captain.

Oh, dear. Grandpa Pig's boat has run out of petrol.

I'm sorry I called you a sea-dog.

That's nice. would you be so kind as to tow us home?

Catch this, Captain! Aye-Aye, Skipper!

Granddad Dog is Grandpa Pig's very best friend!

Granddad Dog is towing Grandpa Pig's boat home.

-The End-

