425.02亿元!票房为什么叫“box office”?

天堂影视 内地电影 2025-01-01 11:41 13

摘要:China's box office in 2024 reached 42.5 billion yuan ($5.8 billion), with domestic films earning 33.4 billion yuan, making up 78.6


China's box office in 2024 reached 42.5 billion yuan ($5.8 billion), with domestic films earning 33.4 billion yuan, making up 78.68% of the market. Urban cinemas attracted 1.01 billion moviegoers, according to the China Film Administration.






票房为什么叫box office?

一种说法是,box office这个词来自于早期的戏院。 当时有钱人会坐在私人包厢(private boxes)里观看戏剧。这些包厢门票的售票处就叫做(box office)。

The term originated in the Elizabethan era when wealthy people would sit in private boxes to watch plays. Tickets for these boxes were sold at an office called the box office, and they were a significant source of revenue.

后来,售票处(box office)就成为了一个代名词,尤其指代电影行业中某个作品所获得的收入,即我们常说的“票房”。这个表达也常指戏剧演出、体育场门票收入等。

By extension, the term is frequently used, especially in the context of the film industry, as a metonym for the amount of business a particular production, such as a film or theatre show, receives. The term is also used to refer to a ticket office at an arena or a stadium.


▌a box office smash 票房大卖的影片

The new sci-fi movie is a box office smash, breaking records all over the world. 这部新上映的科幻电影票房大卖,打破了全球各地纪录。

▌a box office flop 票房惨淡的影片

These 10 films are the biggest box office flops of 2024. 这些是2024年票房最惨的10部影片。

▌highest-grossing 最卖座的、票房最高的

YOLO beats its competition to the punch, becoming the highest-grossing film during the Spring Festival holiday. 《热辣滚烫》击败竞争对手,成为春节档票房最高的电影。

▌debut 首映


The 4K-restored version of Wong kar-wai's debut film, As Tears Go By (1988), was screened at the festival in Venice. 威尼斯电影节上放映了4K修复版的《旺角卡门》(1988),这是王家卫的首部电影。

▌screen 放映


The movie is likely to be screened in January. 这部电影可能在1月份上映。The film-makers will be present at the screenings to introduce their works. 电影制作人将在放映时到场介绍他们的作品。

▌sleeper hit 黑马片

Sleeper hit指的是那种不被看好,但是却大获成功的作品,比如电影、书、歌曲等,也可以简称sleeper。

Once emerging as a sleeper hit, the film topped China's box office charts last month. 这部电影作为一部黑马佳片,在上个月登顶了中国票房榜。

